به تارنمای جنبش پادشاهی ایرانیان خوش آمدید

جنبش پیروان نظام مشروطه به پادشاهی رضاشاه دوم از تمام احزاب و گروههای میهن پرست و ایران دوست هوادار و پشتیبان پادشاهی و خاندان پهلوی دعوت به اتحاد و همگامی و همراهی میکنیم تا بار دیگر ایران خویش را آباد و سربلند کنیم. این جنبش تنها یک حزب نیست، جنبشی برای همگرائی و اتحاد تمام احزاب باورمند و وفادار به ایران و پادشاهی و خاندان پهلوی میباشد.

اين جنبش، تنها راه رسيدن به آرمانهای ملی و آزادی میهن را فقط اتحادِ ميانِ نيروهای اصيل و ميهن پرست، همانگونه که رضا شاه دوم نيز به دفعات با ارسالِ پيامِ ” امروز فقط اتحاد ” اعلام فرموده اند، دانسته و بر اين اساس شکل گرفته و پذيرای پيوندِ همگیِ ايرانيانِ نيکو سرشت و ميهن پرستِ معتقد به نظامِ پادشاهیِ پارلمانی و همچنين تمامیِ گروههای سياسی باورمند به اين آرمانها ميباشد .

بیانیه شماره دوازده

جنبشِ سیاسی- اجتماعیِ پیروانِ نظامِ مشروطه به پادشاهی رضاشاه دوم

Inregistration numbers: 77609397, 94628054

Nr. 12 / data 05.02.2009

Subject: Congratulation



The President of the United States of America

Mr. President,

With deep respect and the highest considerations, we are requesting your attention;

Kindly accept our heartfelt congratulation along with the enslaved Iranian people, for winning the elections.

We pray for your imminent and instantaneous success and for the day that our people are set free as well, from the stranglehold of dictatorship, who are the supporters of international terrorism.

While expressing our appreciation for the very difficult battle you are waging for democracy and freedom around the world and against the international terrorism, we as well hope for your accord to join your effort both in our hearts, and also on the political level throughout the monumental mission you have imposed upon yourself.

We firmly believe that your actions will have a human and positive impact and, at the same time, we kindly ask you to let us draw your attention on several issues which are in full accord with the course of your policy.

The terrorism and the governmental dictatorship, now in power in Iran, has pushed the Iranian people on the verge of destruction, poverty and cultural ruin… further more, this cancerous, dictatorial Iranian regime has extended its claws outside of the country’s borderlines, by its indulgence of supporting the world wide terrorism.

As you are well aware, the howls by the Iranian regime as well as similar regimes, are only supporting the wish for cooperation with the democratic word and the international organizations because they feel threatened by the international trend which endangers their existence; their so-called cry of cooperation is unreal, it only represents a false policy, meant to prolong their brutal existence. For the said reasons, one cannot accept and believe they have changed overnight, one cannot believe that the murderers and terrorists turned into rational and democratic human beings, at the snap of fingers.

The regime of Islamic Republic of Iran, adhering to religion with imposter priests is nothing but a repetition of the European history in terms of the wars fought in the name of religion (the Crusades) or by the Inquisition.

The geopolitical position together with the economic and financial situation of Iran made it easier for this dictatorial regime to achieve its inhuman goals, with complete disrespect for the democratic rules, the fundamental human rights and freedoms. The jails are overcrowded with political prisoners, the kidnappings, the tortures and the death sentences too are only a part of the cruelty that the Iranian people are enduring.

The Iranian people together with all the peace loving political groups and the opposition parties are fighting with the hope for a day when they can establish the reign of a democratic regime, whose paramount role in the world would only be, “eternal peace.”

May God protect and bless you.

Yours truly,

The central politicals office : www.rppiran.org

fax : +1.818.4747474 , followersofthe_princeRP@yahoo.com

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